Average number of training hours per employee

Total number of training hours divided by the number of employees (in FTE).

Training penetration rate

Measures the percentage of employees completing a course or a content area of training compared to total number of employees employed.

% of time of employees available for improvement activities

Percentage of time of employees available for improvement activities.

Number of (internal) control improvement initiatives

Number of (internal) control improvement initiatives, within measurement period.

% implemented OFI’s raised in audits

number of implemented opportunities for improvement (OFI) vs. raised opportunities for improvement during internal and external audits.

Audit finding (category) “OFI” – Opportunty for Improvement – will be issued if the process meets the minimum requirements, but the process can be improved. An opportunity for improvement in most times is system or process related and is based on the experience and knowledge of the auditor or best practice that has been witnessed elsewhere within the sector or organisation.

Idea conversion rate

The idea conversion rate measures the rate at which new ideas are assessed and implemented successfully through improvement initiatives or directly on at the point of operations.

It is important that organizations proactively seek feedback and suggestions in order to improve performance. The Develop Products and Services process and the Fulfill Demand process should both include mechanisms to encourage and facilitate the provision of ideas and feedback from all possible sources.

Suggested Performance Measures:

  • Number of ideas / suggestions implemented in a given period
  • % of ideas / suggestions that are implemented / acted upon
  • Average value of ideas / suggestions implemented
  • Average lead time to respond to ideas / suggestions

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Tháng 12 10, 2014

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