% of outage due to incidents (unplanned unavailability)
Percentage of outage (unavailability) due to incidents in the IT environment, relative to the service hours.
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
Average time (e.g. in hours) between the occurrence of an incident and its resolution
% of repeat incidents
Percentage of incidents that can be classified as a repeat incident, relative to all reported incidents within the measurement period. A repeat incident is an incident that has already occured (multiple times) in the measurement period.
% of incidents solved within deadline/target
Number of incidents closed within the allowed duration time-frame, relative to the number of all incidents closed in a given time period. A duration time-frame is applied to each incident when it is received, and sets a limit on the amount of time available to resolve the incident. The applied duration time-frame is derived from the agreements made with the customer about resolving incidents.
Problem queue rate
The number of problems closed, relative to the number of problems opened in a given time period. So if the actual value for this KPI is less than 1, the volume of problems in the backlog is growing.