% of construction and demolition waste recycled

Percentage of construction and demolition waste recycled.

% of usage of water from non-traditional sources

Percentage of usage of water from non-traditional sources such as desalination and recycled water.

% recycled printer paper

Percentage of recycled printer paper.

Corporate average data efficiency (CADE)

Corporate average data efficiency (CADE) measures data center efficiency across the corporate footprint.

% of hazardous operational waste

Percentage of hazardous operational waste.

CO2 Emissions

Tons of CO2 emissions produce by a company annually.

A measure of how much carbon dioxide is created and how much we contribute to climate change. This KPI has been introduced in order to a/ measure the energy usage in terms of the tonnes of CO2 produced by the bussiness b/ to set up goal c/ to reduce the CO2 production.

% household waste sent for recycling

Percentage of household waste sent for recycling.

Amount of household waste collected per head

Amount of household waste collected per head.

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Tháng 12 10, 2014

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