% of outage due to changes (planned unavailability)
Percentage of outage (unavailability) due to implementation of planned changes, relative to the service hours.
% of unplanned outage/unavailability due to changes
Percentage of unplanned outage (unavailability) due to the implementation of changes into the infrastructure. Unplanned means that the outage (or part of the outage) was not planned before implementation of the change.
% of backlogged/neglected change requests
Percentage of backlogged change requests. Backlogged change requests are change requests that should have been implemented but due to for example time/cost constraints are still outstanding.
% of changes initiated by customers
Percentage of changes initiated by customers (of IT services), instead of the IT department, relative to the total number of initiated changes within the measurement period.
% of unauthorized implemented changes
number of unauthorized implemented changes relative to all implemented changes within a given time period. An unauthorized change can be detected through consolidation of the CMDB. A change in infrastructure for which there is not a change registered is considered as unauthorized.
% of changes that cause incidents
Number of implemented changes that have caused incidents, relative to all implemented changes within a certain time-period. Prerequisite for measuring this KPI is that incidents are correlated to changes.